Subtitling and Voiceover Services

Guaranteeing success in international markets

Lusto Translations offers  subtitling services in multiple language combinations. Make sure video presentations are available to the public from any corner of the world, ensuring global exposure for your brand!

Our subtitling service is ideal for movies, TV shows, video games or YouTube videos.

Translation & Adaptation

Our priority is to make sure that your message is perceived clearly and correctly anywhere in the world.

By using our services you make sure the subtleties and particularities of the source text are properly translated into the target language. Our subtitle translation process takes into account the “word swell” effect, counting the number of words to keep the subtitles synchronised.

Native Translators

The subtitling services are provided in collaboration with native translators in the target language, to ensure the clarity and accuracy of your message.

The reviewer deals with the technical aspects of synchronisation, subtitle format and, if necessary, insertion of subtitles in the video. Subtitle files are delivered in any desired format.